Senator Mike Johanns: Farm Bill Tools Help Manage Risk, Guard Economy

The following column by Senator Mike Johanns is the most recent installment in the Senator’s weekly column series.   Nebraska is no stranger to the forces of Mother Nature. From violent thunderstorms and tornadoes to blizzards to drought, we’ve seen many heart wrenching examples of destructive weather. This is especially true for our state’s ag…


Farm Policy Facts Calls On Lawmakers to Reject Additional Harmful Amendments to Farm Bill

In addition to the list of harmful amendments FPF circulated earlier today, additional attempts to damage the Farm Bill have surfaced. Farm Policy Facts urges members of Congress to oppose any amendment during the appropriations process that would harm the Agricultural Act of 2014 (Farm Bill) or crop insurance, including: Royce Amendment to Shift USDA…


Members of Congress Voice Opposition to Rep. Kind’s Anti-Privacy Amendment

Moments after Farm Policy Facts sent out a note urging members to vote no on Rep. Ron Kind’s (D-WI) anti-privacy amendment, the Dear Colleague letter below was distributed by Reps. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Tom Rice (R-SC), and Henry Cuellar (D-TX). The Kind amendment is bad policy and should be rejected—as should all attempts to reopen…


Farm Policy Facts Urges Lawmakers to Reject Harmful Amendments to Farm Bill

Farm Policy Facts urges members of Congress to oppose any amendment during the appropriations process that would harm the Agricultural Act of 2014 (Farm Bill) or crop insurance, including: The Kind Amendment to Disclose Private Farmer Information The Kind Amendment would strip out ALL privacy protections for farmers and ranchers participating in crop insurance, resulting…


America’s Farmers and Ranchers Call On Congress To Do No Harm To Farm Bill

More than 30 agriculture groups are calling on Congress to oppose any amendment to the Agriculture Appropriations bill that would undo the careful compromises of the bipartisan 2014 Farm Bill, including the important risk management tools provided through the federal crop insurance program. The Farm Bill was enacted into law only four months ago and…


The Heritage Foundation Continues Slide from Respected Think Tank to Propagandist

The Heritage Foundation recently published a new report detailing its 10 “guiding principles” for agriculture. As in the case of other reports, this report also departs from the respected analysis Heritage was once known for in favor of what appears to be the talking point of donors.   Over the years, Heritage increasingly starts with…


Helena Independent Record Guest Editorial: Agriculture At Historic, Pivotal Point

The following guest editorial by Bing Von Bergen, past president of the National Association of Wheat Growers, recently appeared in the Helena Independent Record:   When the 2014 Farm Bill became law, it marked a pivotal moment in the history of U.S. farm policy. The new Farm Bill eliminated direct payments and replaced them with…


Farm Bill Not Only Preserves Crop Insurance, But Improves Upon It

When the 2014 Farm Bill was passed, Farm Policy Facts applauded lawmakers for preserving this cornerstone of the farm safety net—crop insurance.   The prioritization of crop insurance in the 2014 Farm Bill stands as a clear recognition that these tailored policies are playing the most integral role in farmers’ risk management portfolio, even as…


Farm Bill Cements Crop Insurance as Cornerstone of Farm Policy: Senator Stabenow Notes New Coalitions Will Be Needed to Fend Off Attacks

Just days after the 2014 Farm Bill was signed into law, crop insurers gathered for their annual meeting to assess where the industry had come and where it is going.   One of the key architects of the Farm Bill, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, told the crowd that they began writing the Farm Bill three…


Proponents of Tighter Pay Limits and Eligibility Rules Are Too Busy Griping to Notice They Won

Everybody knows at least one person like that.   The person who on a picture perfect summer day, with good health and beautiful scenery to match, with not a want in the world, will still find something to complain about.   You know, a walking, talking, real-life version of Waylon Jennings’ Rainy Day Woman.  …


Agriculture Community Supports Farm Bill Conference Report, Urges Passage

WASHINGTON—The agriculture community applauded the filing of the Farm Bill conference report on Monday, and is urging quick passage of the legislation to provide stability and support for our nation’s farmers and ranchers.   Here are excerpts from statements released by key groups:   The American Farm Bureau Federation:   “We appreciate the hard work…


China’s extensive cotton supports dominate world market; makes U.S. farm supports vital

China is more than just the 800-pound gorilla in the world cotton market. The Asian giant is both the world’s biggest producer and importer. As such, China has tremendous market manipulating power that leaves other producers, including those in America, at its mercy. China provides unstinting support to its cotton farmers with the end result…


It’s No Secret: AP Article About So-Called ‘Dirty Ethanol’ Ignores Facts

If you’re in need of some lining for your puppy crate, reach no further than this week’s Associated Press article about the so-called secret environmental cost of ethanol. The real secret here? How something as one-sided as this got published in the first place. Even USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack has stated that the AP project…


Grand Forks Herald Op-Ed: Don’t Take Farm Bill’s Success for Granted

The following editorial appeared recently in the Grand Forks Herald: OUR OPINION: Don’t take Farm Bill’s success for granted “People can debate how much help the poor should get and whether it’s optimal to deliver aid in the form of food stamps,” the Washington Post editorialized in June. “But it’s beyond debate — or should be —…


Our View: Time for Critics to Trade Pencils for Plows

During a meeting with reporters this week, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack noted crop insurance “has come under unfair criticism,” adding, “Those who report on it don’t understand it and its importance to the food supply.” Vilsack was undoubtedly referencing a series of articles published by Bloomberg this week, which, according to the news outlet, thoroughly examined crop…


Milestones in Farm Policy History: 1989 GAO Report

“Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” -Edmund Burke                        On the heels of weather disasters in ’83, ’84, and ’88, rural America was struggling, and lawmakers were losing patience.  Compounding the problem was an unparalleled farm debt crisis.  America’s food and fiber producers needed assistance, but aid was expensive and…


U.S. Not Alone When It Comes to Crop Insurance, But Stands Out As Model of Success

by Cristina Pastor Approximately 86 percent of planted cropland in the U.S. is protected by crop insurance. The end result? Even when farmers were hit with a string of natural disasters, there wasn’t a single call to Congress for expensive disaster aid. While the U.S. is acknowledged as the leader in the crop insurance industry,…


Foreign Sugar Subsidies Take Center Stage

Global sugar industry leaders and U.S. government officials met in California last week at the 30th International Sweetener Symposium to discuss depressed sugar prices and recent foreign subsidy run-ups. “The accumulated world sugar surplus over the past three seasons has taken the global stocks-to-consumption ratio to above 40 percent for the first time since 2007/08,” said Peter…


Chairman Lucas Urges Colleagues to Vote NO on Fortenberry Amendment

Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) is urging his colleagues to vote NO on an amendment proposed by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) that aims to place additional regulatory requirements on our nations farmers and ranchers: Dear Colleague: I write to urge your strong opposition to the amendment by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) that aims to…


Lawmakers Urge ‘VOTE NO’ On Kind Amendment to Kill Crop Insurance

Two Dear Colleagues currently circulating highlight the importance of voting NO on the Kind amendment that aims to destroy crop insurance: Oppose Kind Amendment #149 That Aims to Destroy Federal Crop Insurance FROM: The Honorable Frank D. Lucas, Chairman, House Agriculture Committee The Honorable Collin Peterson, Ranking Member, House Agriculture Committee Dear Colleague: I write…


Agri-Pulse Guest Op-Ed: Don’t Complain with Your Mouth Full

In just about every walk of life, we look for ways to manage risk. Insurance protection is available to protect our families, our health, our homes, our vehicles. It only makes sense that insurance protection should be available to help farmers and ranchers produce something that everyone must have to survive: the nation’s food supply. Unfortunately there are…
